Operational Timeline

Fluffy Butt Orchard is a hobby farm and homestead coming soon in Vacaville, CA formally launching Spring 2025.

As we continue to work on infrastructure, we are able to soft-launch some of our product offerings. We are cash only until we can set up business bank accounts and payment processors. Our tentative timeline is below.

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Product Availability Timeline.

Bakery Products

All of our bakery offerings are available for purchase now.

All bakery items are made-to-order and will be delivered to you. We will email you when your order is placed to coordinate delivery and fulfillment of your order.

Live Poultry and Farm Fresh Eggs

We are currently raising a flock of 37 pullets and building infrastructure with plans to begin selling eggs and live poultry around January 2025.

We are currently raising a variety of Marans, Double-laced Silver Barnevelders, Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Blue Stars, Lavender Orpingtons, Buff Orpingtons, Blue Orpingtons, Wyandottes, and Barred Rocks pullets, with plans to purchase more chicks as soon as our infrastructure development can accommodate them.

We may be able to sell started pullets now, please contact us at fluffybuttorchard@gmail.com to inquire. As of 9.19.24, we have Barred Rocks and Blue Stars coop ready and available for purchase with many other breeds maturing quickly!


Honey offerings are not currently available. Availability TBD.

Pantry Products

Pantry offerings will be available spring 2025.

Once our lavender hedges bloom, we will be able to harvest the blossoms and begin canning lavender syrup again. Once our summer garden is producing, we will be able to expand our canned pantry offerings including our Roasted Salsa Verde.

Bath & Body Products

Essential oil face serum is available for purchase now. Tallow lotion is coming in 2025.

Pasture-Raised Meat Birds

We have plans to raise our first batch of pasture-raised meat birds early spring 2025, when the overnight temperatures reach an appropriate temperature.

We will be raising GMO-free Rainbow Ranger meat birds, which are capable of foraging on pasture and can be raised humanely (unlike Cornish Cross, whom often are susceptible to disease, illness, and injury due to their accelerated growth rate).

These birds are more expensive for us to raise, because they take longer to mature which requires more feed. They also require more space, which means we are able to raise less of them in the allotted space. However, we feel that treating our animals (pets and livestock, too) humanely is worth it.


We will offer in-season produce based on availability, starting with cool weather crops grown this winter. We will have arugula, broccoli, spinach, and romaine lettuce available December 2024 to March 2025.

Infrastructure Timeline.

We have a lot of work to be done, but are excited about the progress we’ve made so far!

Brooder Chicks

We have raised THREE different broods of chicks to have a steady stream of nutritious, colorful eggs to sell starting early 2025. Meet the Flock here!

Deluxe Coop for Laying Hens

We expect our deluxe coop, which will be used for our laying hens, breeding pens, and maternity ward to be completed by the end of October before the temperatures drop significantly.

We have been working on the concrete slab foundation for the deluxe coop and will have the structure built in the coming weeks. Our coop is built into a slope, so we have been building up the foundation and testing the structural integrity along the way. We most recently added a concrete footing to the downslope portion to make sure our slab, and coop, never moves downhill (pretty important!)

The deluxe coop will also have an oversized predator-proof chicken run where our birds can safely explore the outdoors with 3x the recommended space.

Hoop Coop for Meat Birds

We have also built our meat bird Hoop Coop, which we are using to temporarily house our started pullets in until the deluxe coop is move-in ready. They are LOVING the space to stretch their wings, run, and flap around. They are learning how to dig for bugs, use the roosting bar for sleeping, and take lots of dust baths in their pine shavings.


We have a lot of chores to do in the orchard before the rainy season hits. Irrigation is in need of replacement, and we need to spread mulch and compost as well. We are excited to add more trees in the spring, as well as plant herb gardens for the chickens, add shrubs like rosemary, mint, lavender, and more.


Raising 3 broods of chicks (and having 6 backyard hens) means we’re up to our eyeballs in spent bedding and chicken waste. We are working our compost pile and can’t wait to put it to use in the garden! Chicken manure is a hot compost that can take up to a year to fully break down for use in the garden, so we have plenty more waiting to do. Time well spent!

Other Infrastructure

We will be fencing in the entire orchard to ensure that our chickens can free-range from sun up to sun down, foraging for bugs and scratching around (accelerating compost breakdown, fertilizing the ground with their droppings, and aerating the soil). This free-range space is in addition to their predator proof run, which they will have access to via several automatic chicken doors.

Our Farm's Journey


Our Farm's Journey 〰️

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