Our Story

Our Story

As a female athlete, the demands of my sport resulted in long-term habits of undereating and over-exercising. After my first pregnancy, my body had enough. I was depleted and suffering from nutrient deficiencies, but wouldn’t figure this out for several years.

During this time, I experienced cascading health issues but doctors continued to tell me that all my tests were normal. I had always been healthy, until I wasn’t.

On our family's journey to find health again, I healed my body with nutrition.

I became passionate about cooking from scratch, self-sufficiency, and living simpler as I worked on my health. During this time, we started keeping a flock of backyard chickens. It was something we always wanted to do “someday”, but having freshly laid, nutrient-dense eggs was our motivation to start.

We fell in love with our chickens and their hilarious, unique personalities, and I turned into the crazy chicken lady that brings a $6.99 feed store chick to the vet for a minor leg sprain.

Fluffy Butt Orchard is a passion project of ours, and we’re excited to share it with you.

Our Story, Continued