Our Hatchery

Our Hatchery

Sustainable, Humane, & Ethical Practices

We keep our breeders with their flock during chick season, in a safe and separated space. We provide ample room, outdoor access, and adequate numbers to ensure that our beloved hens are not over-mated, injured, or stressed by the roosters.

We allow broody hens in our layer flock the opportunity to become moms by hatching the eggs and raising the chicks. If we do not have broody hens, we will incubate the eggs and hand-raise them in our brooder at home.

We house our roosters separately away from the hens to ensure that the roosters are not given the opportunity to fight or compete for the hens. This ensures everyone gets along. Roosters return to their bachelor flock to co-exist peacefully with other roosters when breeding is concluded.

While our hatching operations are quite small, we will allow our male chicks to grow up with their siblings, then upon maturity we will integrate them to our separate, rooster-only “bachelor flock” or re-home them to a home where they will receive love and care.

Breeds Available

We breed Orpingtons, Marans, and Barnevelders at our farm to share our favorite and friendliest birds with you and your family. The roosters in our flock will produce offspring of the following varieties:


  • Lavender, Black, Blue, Splash


  • Black Copper Maran, Blue Copper Maran, Splash Maran


  • Double Laced Partridge, Double Laced Silver

Shop Fluffy Butt Chickens

Baby Chicks
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Baby Chicks
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Started Pullet
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Started Pullet
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Laying Hen
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Laying Hen
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Note: By special request, we can also breed and hatch the following cross breeds:

  • F1 Olive Eggers - first generation green egg layer with chance of blue or brown
  • F2 Olive Eggers - second generation green egg layer with chance of blue or brown, most likely to lay deep green egg color
  • Easter Egger

Email us at fluffybuttorchard@gmail.com to special order.

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